With brand new microphones we sound out Nanosonics Limited (ASX:NAN), and discuss our reservations -- but also what we like -- about Afterpay Touch Group Ltd (ASX:APT).

Andrew draws on his own experience with infection control (sweet pick up line) to inform his view of Nanosonics, and I recall my early experiences with Afterpay. For the record, the first time people pay with Afterpay, repayment is over 6 weeks, but the second time it's over 8 weeks (because the timing of the first payment varies). So don't tell him, but Matt was at least half right on that one. And finally, I can confirm that Batch Brewing Co still makes good beer.

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Disclosure: The Author, Claude Walker, owns shares in Nanosonics at the time of publication. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 501223). Authorised by Claude Walker.


kevin  4 years, 6 months ago Reply

Hi Claude do you have a current interest in NetComm Wireless?

Be interested in any thoughts you have on their future.
