Today I’m writing about Global Health (ASX: GLH) the smallest company I’ve ever covered on this website.

Global Health supplies software to medical professionals. Its main business is a electronic medical record system called MasterCare. It also has a secure messaging service for sharing medical information called ReferralNet. However, the main game (at the moment) is MasterCare. In particular, Global Health specialises in software for mental health practices and mental health hospitals.

I recently spoke to the CEO of Global Health, Mathew Cherian. He struck me as an honest and competent operator, and I was very grateful for the chat. It was particularly interesting to hear how the company had evolved from a boutique software company, and what he envisages for this year and beyond.

Subscribers have already read my research about Global Health, but with only one year of profit on the books, I believe this company has a long way to go. This is particularly true because the software-as-a-service business model allows new revenue to fall more or less directly to the bottom line.

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The Author owns shares in Global Health. Nothing on this website is advice, ever. This post is for entertainment (and for my own reference!)